Mo and Jen take on the Plains.

This is to inform the rest of the universe of our lives and the shenanigans we get ourselves into.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

It was a bittersweet, nostalgic kind of day...

On our last night in Auburn, as we sit here staring at blank walls and an empty room, we decided to reminisce about our first year at Auburn.
It's been a year full of ups and downs (mostly ups) and for the most part we've loved every second of it! So we decided to share with everyone, some of the good and bad times we've had with the Loveliest Village on The Plains!

The Good:
*Football Season- there's nothing like it. War Eagle.
*Giving Alabama a run for their money and holding Mark Ingram (Heisman winner) to 30 yards during the Iron Bowl.
*At noon when Samford plays the Fight Song.
*BACKSTREET BOYS CONCERT and roadtrip to Charlotte, North Carolina!
*Shrek marathon on monsoon day!
*Veg Tuesdays from first semester
*Sweet Aubie
*The wall of hotness.
*The Auburn BLIZZARD.
*Shmex Games 2009!
*Trip to ATL Zoo for Jen's birthday!
*A million Walmart runs.
*Seeing New Moon at midnight
*Musical Guest THAT GUY.
*Quoting YouTube videos.
*Tiger Nights
*Pita Pit
*Reading/hanging out in front of the beautiful Samford Hall.
*Star Trek in Jordan Hare Stadium.
*Circle K.
*Daylight Donuts.
*Watching Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, ANTM, The Bachelor, American Idol, Desperate Housewives, 16 and Pregnant, and Glee with the roomiez and more.
*Filling out our ballots for the Golden Globes and The Academy Awards.
*Gymnastics meets.
*Sweatpants and Nike shorts.
*TACO BELL trips.
*Seeing Chris Todd after the Iron Bowl.
*The nicest people that work at Chick fil A.
*Abbreviating words, creating nicknames, and making our own terminology.
*Dancing to I'm so Hood to annoy Kel.
*Seeing the Eagle fly before games.
*Seeing Sister Hazel, Goo Goo Dolls, and The Rocket Summer in Beard-Eves.
*Yelling at each other from different rooms.
*Facebook chatting while we're in the same dorm.
*Putting Post-It's on Kel's door.
*When our dorm was clean
*Visits from friends and family.
*Random hyper moments and sugar highs.
*Taylor Swift came here!
*Kappa Alpha Theta (Mo)
*The orange thing.
*Coke Rewards.
*Jo coming to Auburn.
*Jumping on the couch to break it in.
*Watching many many movies.
*Signing a lease for our apartment next year!
*New Friends and experiences.
*Believing in Auburn and loving it!
*Living together for 1 year and we are still besties. We overcame the odds.

The Bad:
*Village Dining.
*The stress of move-in day
*When Kiley burnt the popcorn.
*Loud toilet flushing.
*Early classes.
*Waiting on the Drunk Bus.
*Sleeping through alarms...
*Missing our families.
*Getting injured during Shmex games.
*Kel not being here second semester.
*Iron Bowl
*Dust Bunnies.
*Being separated from friends.
*Kel getting swine.
*Messy Dorm
*The bursting of pipes.
*The milk explosion of 2009.
*The chocolate milk disaster of 2009.
*Carrying a 24 pack of Diet Dr. Pepper to the room.
*No dishwasher or stove.
*Geology and Econ.
*Missing the Ville.
*Not-so comfortable furniture.
*Never getting stuff in the mail (if you are Mo or Kel)
*280 being the longest road evz.
*Kel's surgery. But its all good now!
*Signing people in and out.
*Being scared of Francis at Movie Gallery.
*Parking Tickets.

The Ugly:
*Nick Saban. enough said.

Our freshman year has come to a close. It's bittersweet that 1/4 of our Auburn experience is over, but we have a sinking feeling that the best is yet to come.

Here is a slideshow of just SOME of our pictures from this year.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

It was a lazy kind of day

Don't you love rainy Saturdays? We do. Our Saturday mornings used to consist of getting up early to make waffles, get dressed in gameday attire, and booking it to the stadium to secure our seats for the football games. We loved every second of it, even standing outside for an hour in a torrential downpour anxiously awaiting Auburn to take on West Virginia (see photo above). But now that the season is over, we now embrace our free mornings and take the opportunity to catch up on sleep we didn't get during our hectic week.

Today was THE definition of a lazy Saturday. We slept late, it was cold/rainy, we listened to the Glee soundtracks, and wore sweatpants until we went to the movies at five in the afternoon. We went and saw When in Rome with some friends. It was nice and more enjoyable then our previous adventure to the Carmike Wynnsong, which consisted of fighting with the ticket lady, being dealt wristbands, and being herded like cattle into a theatre to witness the unveiling of New Moon at midnight. As we waited on the previews and Jen being her typical clumsy self spilled Mo's popcorn on herself and jumped up nearly spilling the popcorn on the people in front of her. Overall the movie was a typical humorous chick-flick. It was enjoyable and cute but it was not Oscar Worthy (although Danny Devito was presh and brought tears to Jen's eyes). We went to Chili's and reminisced with old friends about elementary school and girl scouts.

It was a chill day and we enjoyed it thoroughly. We are so excited for the upcoming weekend when we are reunited with our best friend Kel. It's been a lot less fun in the dorm without her.

This will forever be on our favorite YouTube video list.


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Friday, January 29, 2010

It was a Tennis Shoe kind of day.

We finished watching Glee.
Our trip home got canceled due to Winter Storm 2010 part 2.
Jen slipped and fell down on the bus, due to slippery floors (hence why we needed the tennis shoes).
Watched AU beat UGA in Gymnastics. War Eagle to that!
A little lame today, but it was a pretty uneventful Friday.

^ our current favorite youtube video